Because it's not Football. It might be football, but it isn't Football. Unbelievable. You know with the world the way it is most days, you'd like to be able to watch sports and escape the ordinary everyday annoyances that plague us all. You might want to be able to watch sports and witness the very peak of human athletic performance. Maybe we are but you can't quite be certain when you watch Patrick Mahomes, celebrated as he is by the sports media, turn into the NFL's version of James Harden and foul bait his way up and down the field.
This is completely anecdotal but having grown up in the era where wide receivers were absolutely hit for going over the middle, I can't help but note that fencing responses seem to be on the rise. I remember guys getting up woozy and weary but not getting their skulls battered in a manner that made them lay out on the ground while horrifically contorting on the ground. Mahomes' antics incentivize more of this play where the Quarterback position is not in any way responsible for its own safety. Please tell me, what is going to happen if defensive players get flagged for playing fundamental football while this guy takes dives at the sideline? Opposing players might decide to get their money's worth. It's time to address the dives, the going out of bounds fakes, the late slides, and the cries for a flag whenever anyone plays football against him.
Clean it up NFL, no one wants to watch this.
Amazing thoughts. Let's just make it touch for those guys. Hey let's just keep the red shirts on during the real game as well as practice. Or maybe the defense can pretend to let up and not hit the qb and then out of no where just get a good one in.